Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Classes | Shaiya | NORDEIN

Nordein Classes

Classes in Shaiya are specific to character race.


The Guardian is a defensive powerhouse, pure and simple. Guardians have high stamina and high hit points, enabling them to take a beating while returning in kind. Guardians can take on multiple foes at the same time with little worry. Guardians also have the ability to provoke enemies into attacking them, a useful skill when adventuring in groups.
  • Uses shields, one-handed swords, and blunt weapons
  • High vitality and stamina
  • First into the fray
  • Automatically gains Reaction Defense boost and HP (+1 to REC) each level


Hunters use ranged attacks to wound and slow the enemy, as well as lower its attack power, or stop it dead in its tracks. Hunters keep their distance in battle and should stay away from the front lines. Their special skills allow them to literally rain death down upon their targets. Hunters also have high luck, enabling them to make critical hits more often than other classes.
  • Uses axes, javelins, and bows
  • Distanced attacks
  • High accuracy
  • Automatically gains fortune (+1 LUC) per level


Like the Human Fighter, the Nordein Warrior is a fierce melee combatant, confronting foes up close and personal. Physical attack power is the focus of the Fighter, but don’t be fooled - a certain amount of magical points (MP) is required to power the Warrior’s devastating special skills.
  • Wide range of available weapons
  • Powerful physical attacks
  • Front-line brawler
  • Automatically gains +1 to Strength (STR) each level

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